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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Nothing fascinating....

           I notice it's been awhile since I've written anything here. Usually because I feel I have to something at least half-way interesting to say before I'll commit it to publication. But all that's going on is just newsy sort of developments, so don't expect anything fancy.

          The good news is that my mind is at least somewhat focused on MUSIC again (and that's saying something). I've got some new software going so I can once again work on polishing up my arrangements ("charts" to those in the biz). I've got tunes well underway for the next 2 albums, plus some good older pop tunes that have no home.
         The "styles" of these songs (when they can be classified) fall into such diverse categories as rock, country, classical, jazz, and even latin! The "latin" is an instrumental tune entitled "Blue Noon" I wrote early on as a college assignment and have already finished recording...It's placement on the next album is by virtue of two things: First, I haven't been able to get it out of my head in the last 30 years, and second, it dove-tails perfectly with a blues-rock tune I wrote sometime ago in terms of harmony & phrasing. I am going to graft them as almost a medley.
       Also this is as good a time as any to mention a style that is pretty much my invention, as I am working on several tunes that fit that category...I don't have a name for it, though I've tried to come up with a catchy name. Sort of a "Classical Rock"...but DON'T think Moody Blues! It's more of a Baroque style blended in with a dark (gothic?) rock ballad...Think Bach meets Black Sabbath or something....

       That's it for now, more changes coming, but looking forward to the day when I can get back to recording!