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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Looking Forward...

         As busy as I am taking care of other things right now, I am looking forward to the future with some excitement. Not to say that I am anxious, because I know that my kind of projects always happen in slow-motion, requiring all sorts of preparation before they can even begin.

         First, I am looking in the next few months to actually get back to RECORDING MUSIC, which is what I am primarily hoping for. My charts are mostly ready, aside from printing out parts, and I have a few unfinished recordings that will keep me occupied in the meantime.

       That's the big news, if I can indeed get it to come to pass (there are always obstacles). But I have new ideas as well.
       I have a aquired a cheap video camera, and I hope to be able to put it to use to make videos. I am going to make a few non-music-related pieces first, just to get me used to using "movie-maker" software, which luckily does not have a steep learning curve.
       But of course, I love learning new things and have begun the daunting task of learning Adobe Illustrator (without a book, tutorials only!). I'm already fairly well-aquainted with Photoshop and have some knowledge of InDesign. I am hoping not only to use these to complete the design for my second album (title not yet settled) but also to create animations that I can set to my music!! Now that would be something, to me at least!
      I have already done considerable work to design a new "Arcturus Productions" graphic to be printed on the disc face, starting with the next album. I intend to use something more in keeping with the concept of "Circular Flight" for on-disc print for that album, if I can ever get a commercial replication going....One reason I'm not yet advertising CF for sale anywhere at this point is because I have so few copies left of the "home publication" that I may wind up without an example to work from if I sell them!
     I have more news in the works, but I want to keep them in the realm of possible surprises for now. If you stay tuned perhaps someday you'll see what I mean!