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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Odd personality???

           There's no offense intended here toward anyone. Nor is this some kind of ploy to get folks to visit my pages.It's just that....I'm curious by nature about differences between human beings. Anyone who knows me or has read my writings knows I'm just that way.

           What I'm referring to is my predilection for searching out new & undiscovered talent on the Internet. I really love to hear what other artists are doing, especially independent and/or unknown musicians, painters, writers, etc. I often follow these links on a whim, curious about what hidden gems may be there...And if there are no gems (only unpolished stones...or even pieces of...well, never mind...)
I still give it enough attention to try to get into that persons head. Why did they write that? How do they see their own work? Are they in control of their statements? Are they laboring under some sort of delusion of grandeur? I find this fascinating, the only down-side being there is so much material put out these days of all levels of quality, that it becomes overwhelming & discouraging that you'll ever get a sense of it all.

        Even more fascinating, is why many people don't  have that same fascination. I know there can be many reasons...their internet time may be limited, they may be content just socializing or whatever. I perfectly understand. Virtual society purports to be all things to all people and that's OK with me. Yet I am still amazed at how little I see people perusing these. Many folks seem to bypass links wholesale without a glimmer of curiosity about what may be hiding there.

     Maybe it's me. It may be just a family trait; I am that way about other things as well. I often complain to my wife that my biggest problem is I want to know everything about everything. I love knowledge. The internet, to me, is like having the biggest library in the world in my room. I can't pass that up.

     And when I find someone I know personally who is struggling to be an independent artist, I will support them anyway I can. Though you'd be surprised how often I get turned down...the world has become a cynical place. Everyone's motives are suspect.
      While I respect people's rights to do whatever they feel comfortable with, I often wonder when someone tells me that they would be interested in hearing what I do...I say it's just as simple as clicking a link. Yet they never come visit any of my pages...It's OK, it's their right to change their mind or get busy or whatever...just hard for me fathom, since if the situation were reversed I would make it a point to visit them, my curiosity would not allow otherwise! And if I liked what I found I would make sure everyone knew I supported it.
        But I guess we come in all kinds....!

    (I would like to add at this point, that I am equally surprised when someone appears out of nowhere and "Likes" one of my pages! That's fun and excitement!)

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