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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Still "Plugging", etc...

        This may not be one of my more exciting posts, just a little news brief to say how things stand.
        I am actually "back in the studio" saddle again, though I'm not actually doing  much. I'm sorting thru old back-up discs & paperwork, and checking my drives to see where I stand on various projects.

        Several tunes originally planned for my next album have been sidelined, relegated to a future album because they have been displaced by tunes more appropriate to the theme & feel I intended for this project. A couple are nearly done, so it will save me work in the future.

       Have run into some problems with the artwork for the liner, as there seems to be no way to easily create some figures I need in Illustrator or Photoshop. Hmmm...I'll figure something out.

       Lastly, I have a tentative title for the album, but don't want to disclose it yet, in case I change my mind. Sometimes I have to live with it awhile, to sort of test in on myself lest it be too corny. The catalog # I will use is already settled since it is on all my paperwork already. "In house" I already refer to the project as DNL-041.

      That's it for now. I have practical obstacles that must be done before I can get serious...also need some "acoustic treatment" to reduce the boominess of the new room. But with any luck, I'll be laying down tracks in the coming months, re-educating lazy muscles to play those instruments again.

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